Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas to all!

The actual holiday may have passed but I'm still fully in the Christmas spirit....why you ask? Because I got a new camera! Yay! We got the Nikon D5000 and a couple of new lenses and I am happy happy happy! What an amazing piece of equipment. I LOVE it!

Pictures will be coming soon!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My camera

My Nikon (my favorite camera) isn't working right. We had shipped it to Nikon for repair after it got dropped during our trip to Disney. Now we notice that it blurs when we zoom in with it. My husband wants me to send it now (knowing it will be gone for a couple of weeks) but I just can't part with it this time of year. The water is so blue, the trees are so green, the flowers are in bloom, the kids are in their colorful bathing suits playing in the water....I can't part with it! It still takes some decent photos just not when we really utilize it's zoom.

What is a girl to do? I can't live without my camera!

The Gang

The Girls

Rhi and Bruschi

Where, oh where, has it gone?

The sun went back into hiding. I was so hopeful that the weather men would be wrong (again) but alas, we have overcast skies with rain in the forecast. Although I did manage to get some shots during those few glorious sunny moments.

The kids got to have a picnic....looks yummy!

Friday, June 26, 2009

THE SUN IS OUT!!!!! I am so excited to finally have some sunlight. I'm running out right now to shoot some pics of the kids in the lake.

I'll post them soon!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer is here and I've been chomping at the bit to utilize the beautiful sunlight to take some shots of my surroundings. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has a different plan. We have had non-stop rain for days and there is no end in sight. This weather is not conducive to taking naturally lit shots. Oh well, I guess I'll put on a movie instead.
Please....let the sun shine!